The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Since graduating with my MFA in 1973 I have spent about 30 years working in my studio making porcelain pottery and figures with some extra teaching jobs on occasion. In 2003 I taught art part time at a Montessori school and in 2004 I took my current full time job teaching art at Holland Hall Middle School in Tulsa, OK. My studio work is now quite limited. I am able to fill porcelain orders for 5-10 of my best accounts through out the year and a little time is spent drawing or painting for myself. Besides art and ceramics I am very busy working on the house and garden at the new place on 2 acres we bought 2 years ago. Our 2 kids are in their 20's and out in the world so we have 3 dogs and 2 cats we smother with affection!